Growing with Purpose Podcast: Anne Hed
Today on the Growing with Purpose podcast, Paul Spiegelman interviews Forbes Small Giant, Anne Hed, Co-Founder and CEO of HED Cycling Products Inc. Anne's story is both a business and a love story. It begins with Anne as a young and broke college student with a desire to win the IRONMAN World Championship in Hawaii. Per her friend's suggestion, she finds herself at a small bike shop in Minneapolis, where she asks the barefoot, shirtless, greasy owner, Steve Hed, for $100 and a bike to enter the triathlon. And that's just the beginning... Tune into Anne's story here.
Show Notes

[1:17] A Storybook and a Love Story: How HED Cycling Began
[5:38] How Winning A Subaru Hatchback Turned Into a Bank Loan
[8:19] A Call From a Kid in Texas - Who Turned Out To Be Lance Armstrong
[16:53] Two Phone Calls that Changed Anne’s Life
[24:02] Choosing Early On What Path To Take
[28:43] The Value of the Economic Gardening Program (Which Surprisingly Doesn't Involve Actual Gardening!)
[40:45] The Most Important Quality of A Leader: Honesty
Selected Links from the Episode
Book that Influenced Anne's Leadership Style: A Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
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