Small Giants Community

August 6, 2024

Growing with Purpose Podcast: The Value of Stargazing with Matt Hoying

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On this episode of the Growing with Purpose podcast, host Paul Spiegelman speaks with Matt Hoying, President of Choice One Engineering

Matt grew up on a farm in Ohio with a loving and supportive family. And while both his parents held jobs in addition to running the farm, Matt’s mom always found the time to go out to the edge of their rural property with him and look up at the stars. This ritual not only taught Matt the value in slowing down, but it showed him that he was a part of a world much bigger than himself and that he had a responsibility to make sure his contribution was a positive one.

Fast forward to 2004 when Matt interned at Choice One. He saw that the founders of the engineering firm had created a special culture where people mattered and integrity was central, and he wanted to be a part of it. As Matt’s risen through the ranks, he’s maintained his stargazing mentality: to appreciate what was created before him, while also committing to positively impacting the company and its legacy. 

Tune into this episode to hear about Matt’s personal vision and how it influences his leadership style, Choice One’s emphasis on two-way communication, and the importance of teachers in shaping Matt’s career path.


Show Notes:

  • 2:09 - Clarity in culture
  • 6:10 - Bolstering the feedback loop
  • 9:40 - From intern to president
  • 12:28 - Early influences
  • 33:02 - Getting checked by his own culture


Book that Inspired Matt:
The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni


Listen to Matt's story below:

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Our Purpose is to identify, connect and develop purpose-driven leaders. The Small Giants Community is a designated L3C organization, a hybrid between a for-profit and a nonprofit entity that prioritizes mission and social purpose. Passionate, purposeful business leaders from around the world come to us to train and develop future leaders in their organizations, connect with like-hearted peers, and learn how to run a values-driven business. Whether you’re a budding leader who wants to grow or a founder/CEO looking for new business best friends, there’s a place for you here.