Small Giants Community

June 25, 2024

Growing with Purpose Podcast: Meet our Inaugural Hall of Fame Inductees with Sabrina White and Tom Walter

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On this very special episode of the Growing with Purpose podcast, host Paul Spiegelman speaks with the inaugural inductees of the Small Giants Hall of Fame: Sabrina White and Tom Walter! 

Alongside celebrating 15 years of the Small Giants Community, we’re happy to share the creation of the Small Giants Hall of Fame. What will be an annual award moving forward has now seen its first batch of nominees, finalists and inductees - a process that heavily involved Small Giants Community members. 

Sabrina White is the Hall of Fame inductee representing Next Gen leaders. In this episode, she shares with Paul what it has meant to her to grow as a leader alongside her team at Text-Em-All, as well as her involvement in the Small Giants Leadership Academy and its impact on her.

Tom Walter, the inductee representing Founders/CEOs, shares how he went from a command-and-control leader to a values-based leader thanks to his team at Tasty Catering. He also discusses how he discovered the Small Giants Community in its infancy and what it has meant to him as he strives to continually learn from his peers. 

Paul, Sabrina, and Tom reflect together on what having a values-based community means to them as business leaders, the importance of recognition, and why they all continue to see value in engaging with the Small Giants Community. 


Show Notes:

  • 4:00 - Sabrina’s growth as a leader
  • 8:58 - The impact of the Leadership Academy
  • 11:40 - Tom’s intro to the Community
  • 14:37 - Transforming into a Small Giants leader
  • 18:08 - Can people & profit coexist?
  • 23:25 - Advice for leaders


Listen to Sabrina, Tom, & Paul's conversation below:

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About Small Giants Community

Our Purpose is to identify, connect and develop purpose-driven leaders. The Small Giants Community is a designated L3C organization, a hybrid between a for-profit and a nonprofit entity that prioritizes mission and social purpose. Passionate, purposeful business leaders from around the world come to us to train and develop future leaders in their organizations, connect with like-hearted peers, and learn how to run a values-driven business. Whether you’re a budding leader who wants to grow or a founder/CEO looking for new business best friends, there’s a place for you here.