Small Giants Community

July 7, 2021

Psychological Safety Takes Years To Develop And Seconds To Shatter




Psychological safety is the belief that one will not be punished or embarrassed for speaking up with new thoughts, questions, or critiques. A psychologically safe environment is extremely fragile: it takes years to develop and seconds to shatter. It is cultivated through everyday, repeated experiences of being heard in the workplace. Want to read more about how everyday interactions can make or break relationships with your employees?


Want to learn more about creating psychological safety within your own organization?

Join the Leadership Academy.

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About Small Giants Community

Our Purpose is to identify, connect and develop purpose-driven leaders. The Small Giants Community is a designated L3C organization, a hybrid between a for-profit and a nonprofit entity that prioritizes mission and social purpose. Passionate, purposeful business leaders from around the world come to us to train and develop future leaders in their organizations, connect with like-hearted peers, and learn how to run a values-driven business. Whether you’re a budding leader who wants to grow or a founder/CEO looking for new business best friends, there’s a place for you here.