Small Giants Community

September 23, 2024

Looking Back on the 2024 Leadership Academy

A Walk Down Memory Lane of the Leadership Academy Graduation 2024

In September, we had the chance to celebrate the culmination of our current Leadership Academy class by coming together to turn the tassels and cheer on the graduates of the Class of 2024! Over the past nine months, 24 leaders from across the country - representing different industries, companies, and roles - learned alongside each other, diving deep and growing as leaders in a people-first and purpose-driven way. 

Take a walk down memory lane with us as we look at just a few of the highlights from the graduation experience of the Leadership Academy Class of 2024!


TEA 2024 SGLA Visit-1


Text-Em-All welcomed us with open arms! The day kicked off with co-founders Hai Nguyen and Brad Herrmann sharing their origin story, the why and the passion behind Text-Em-All. From panels and roundtable discussions with different leaders from across the company, to intimate conversations over lunch, we learned so much about how they intentionally live out and bring the magic of their culture to life each and every day.


SGLA 2024 Graduation Group Share 2 at TEA


The flood of learning winded down with deeper reflections and appreciations. As Small Giants know, our Community is unique in its authenticity, transparency, and vulnerability…something that these leaders are exceptional at living out!


Grad Dinner SGLA 2024 (1)


Salud! We celebrated the graduation of this class - and the accomplishment of these newly certified Small Giants leaders - with good food, fond memories, cheerful laughter, and lasting friendships. 



As a team, we’ve had so much fun working alongside this year’s Leadership Academy cohorts. They are bright, outstanding, purpose-driven leaders who always teach us a thing or two. Our smiles are big because of how much joy and appreciation we have for this special group of leaders!


Graduation 2024 SGLA


From how to create a culture of mattering to accountability strategies, the Leadership Academy members wrapped up our time together by sharing their takeaways and learnings from the year. We gathered at Venturity to hear about the graduates' personal reflections on their growth, knowledge, skills, and confidence as leaders. 


Graduation 2024 SGLA Presentations-1


Everyone shared how they plan to go forward to influence and make an impact on their team, their company, and even their community. There were so many nuggets of wisdom and plans for action, and we’re excited to see their impact come to life as they head back to their companies!


SGLA 2024 Graduation Fun Group


Congratulations to the Leadership Academy Class of 2024! These caring, compassionate, and equipped leaders are now off to make an impact and influence their teams, companies, and communities in purpose-driven, intentional ways. We couldn’t be more proud of these Small Giants leaders!!


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Want to go on your own leadership journey?

Don't let today's to-do list get in the way of your future success! Learn and grow alongside a trusted group of leaders who share the same values as you and a fresh perspective outside your organization. The Leadership Academy is the place for motivated, purpose-driven leaders to elevate their leadership and managerial skillset, while building confidence and friendships along the way! So go ahead and invest in your future self! Click here to see if the Leadership Academy is the right path for you.


Want to develop your team's next generation of leaders?

The Small Giants Leadership Academy may be the right opportunity you've been looking for!

Learn More

About Small Giants Community

Our Purpose is to identify, connect and develop purpose-driven leaders. The Small Giants Community is a designated L3C organization, a hybrid between a for-profit and a nonprofit entity that prioritizes mission and social purpose. Passionate, purposeful business leaders from around the world come to us to train and develop future leaders in their organizations, connect with like-hearted peers, and learn how to run a values-driven business. Whether you’re a budding leader who wants to grow or a founder/CEO looking for new business best friends, there’s a place for you here.