Paul Spiegelman

Contributor | Small Giants Community

September 30, 2024

Big Changes!


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Hello friends,

When Bo and I started the Small Giants Community over 15 years ago, we had a dream of impacting small business leaders by encouraging them to lead with purpose, values and meaning. Many of us first learned about these concepts in Bo's inspiring and timeless book. 

About 9 years ago, we brought on Hamsa Daher to lead the organization as our executive director. Like me, many of you have been touched by her passion, commitment, dedication and joy. She has transformed the Community in ways I could have never imagined. Today, we train leaders through our Leadership Academy, our graduates continue collaborating through The Circle, we mentor through our Sounding Board, and we break bread annually at the Summit.

Quite often, we talk about leadership transitions, succession and bench strength, because most of us are building companies for the long-term. We’re no different at Small Giants, and we feel like it is time to pass the torch. Don’t worry…Hamsa and I aren’t going anywhere, but our day to day operations are now going to be led by Heidi Baumgart and Katie Sowa, as co-executive directors.

Katie has been with us for a year and is highly skilled at programming and content development. And while Heidi is newer to the team, many of you know her because she’s been to many Summits and graduated from the Leadership Academy. She will focus on growing the Community and relationship management. Bridget has been with us for almost three years and will continue to support the team in all things programming and marketing. 

Hamsa and I will spend our time as active board members (you can’t get rid of us that easy) and we can’t wait to see you at the next Summit. She and I are also embarking on some new non-profit projects to enhance the lives of people in a different community, an underserved neighborhood in Detroit. More on that later...

In any case, please join me in congratulating Katie and Heidi in their new roles. I know we’re in good hands. And also join me in thanking Hamsa for making the Community her own.


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About Paul Spiegelman

Paul Spiegelman is the co-founder of the Small Giants Community. He is the former chief culture officer of Stericycle, the co-founder and former CEO of BerylHealth and the founder of The Beryl Institute. Paul is a New York Times best-selling author and has been honored with the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award.